How To Add A Single Employee

A guide to adding a single employee to the organisation.

Updated over a week ago

Required Information

You will need the following information about the employee:


  • First name

  • Last name

  • Gender

  • Date of birth

  • Nationality

  • Emirates ID number

  • Work email address

  • Employment status

  • Employment start date

  • Employee ID number

  • Level

  • Department

  • Monthly salary in AED (total)

  • Monthly salary in AED (basic)

  • IBAN (must be UAE)


  • Ministry of Labour ID

  • Employment end date

  • Work permit number

  • Work permit expiry date

  • City/branch office

  • Job title


  1. Log in to the Admin panel

  2. Click Employees from the menu at the top

  3. Click Add employees button

  4. Click Add single employee

  5. Enter the employee’s personal info

  6. Click Save Changes

  7. Enter the employee’s work email address

  8. Click Save Changes

  9. Enter the employee’s employment details

  10. Click Save Changes

  11. To invite the employee, follow the steps in the article “How to invite employees"

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