How To Invite Employees

A guide to sending employee invitations for the app or website.

Updated over a week ago

Invite All Employees

This option will invite all uninvited employees in your company.

  1. Log in to Admin Portal

  2. On the dashboard, an action item will be present in Your action items

  3. Click Invite all employees

  4. All employees will receive an email inviting them to create their account and download the app.

Invite Individual Employees

This option can be used to invite a single employee, groups of employees, or an ad-hoc selection.

  1. Log in to Admin Portal

  2. Click Employees from the menu at the top

  3. View, search, or filter to find the desired employees

  4. Select employees using checkboxes next to their name

  5. Click Invite or Re-invite

  6. All selected employees will receive an email inviting them to create their account and download the app or log into the website.

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